Thursday, January 25, 2018

A Journey

Where I am is a result of where I've been....

As I look at my life as an artist now I look back at what events brought me to this place. What ports has my ship landed in to get me here, and what ports must I go to to get to where I'm going. In this post I'll mention a few ports and elaborate on one. I'll elaborate on the others on subsequent posts.

1. What I learned while trying to get ahead with a multi-level marketing business.

2. What I learned from my father in regards to a work ethic.

3. Early beginnings in my art career.

4. Toastmasters: what this organization has done for me.

5. Walden Three Studio: where I am right now.

In this post I would like to focus on what Toastmasters has done for me and in particular how it has propelled my business to new heights.  When I first joined Toastmasters several years ago I was very afraid to speak in front of large groups. I had no problem with small informal gatherings, but large formal gatherings scared me.  I knew I wanted to be able to promote my art business in a positive manner so I had to learn to speak in front of large groups.  I said that to the president of our local group and she took my request quite literally and had me chair a contest two weeks after joining. Luckily I had a template to work from.  
I liken the Toastmaster experience to learning a musical instrument. In order to be proficient one must practice on a regular basis. That's just what I did. Over the next few years I gained much confidence and have since been on television, radio, delivered compelling articles to newspapers and presented talks to local organizations, as well as being able to promote my art business.  

This past week I've been asked to present a workshop on journalling to an organization, who was aware that I journalled on a regular basis and asked if I'd come present what I know to the group.  I agreed to this challenge.  I've never presented a workshop before; at my Toastmaster club our speeches generally run from five to seven minutes.  I'm quite excited about this challenge

How does this apply to my art career at Walden Three Studio?  Well I believe that it takes many experiences to complete oneself.  It's more than just taking a course in welding and then Voila, I'm a successful artist. No, it takes many experiences to make the whole.  The ship must land in many ports. 

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