Saturday, February 17, 2018

What to do....

An upside down terminally ill trailer
The jury has deliberated and for sure; my utility trailer is terminally ill. Late last fall the bearing went in one of the wheels and the wheel was certain to come off while driving. 
I've had people tell me that the best thing I should do is to drive it to the scrapyard and just leave it there. I'd probably get a $100 if I was lucky.  They say, and I'm really considering this, "Get a new trailer Jack, and while you're at it, make sure it's a dump trailer". I've researched trailers and it's going to cost me $6,000 to get a new one. Now, first of all, I don't have $6,000 for a new trailer, so I'd have to borrow the money to do this.  I use the trailer for my art business, some construction work I still do periodically, dump runs that I do, and often I just need a trailer. 

At this point I can't haul anything, so therefore I can't even advertise doing dump runs.  Doing dump runs generates income and creates activity. I decided to do some surgery on the old gal, and I realized that the bearing assembly was too far gone, so I'd have to replace the entire axle.  I checked Princess Auto and they were on sale. 

So, the long and short of it is, I installed the axle and now I have a functioning trailer again.  Once I start to generate some dump run activity, I may get the dump trailer.  So..... if you are in need of a dump run, I'm your man.

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